area code
Reno, NV
Biggest city:
Pacific (GMT -8)
Nearby area codes:
Major Cities:
Reno, Carson City, Elko
Zip codes:
Unemployment Rate:
Average Income:
Area code 775 is an important telephone area code within the North American Numbering Plan, primarily serving the state of Nevada.
Geographic Coverage: Area code 775 covers the northern and eastern parts of Nevada, including major cities like Reno, Carson City, Elko, and Ely. It encompasses a vast area, providing telecommunication services to a significant portion of the state.
History and Establishment: This area code was assigned on March 25, 1998, and went into service on December 12, 1998. It was created from a split of the existing 702 area code. The split was necessary due to the growing demand for phone numbers in the state. After the split, area code 775 covered the entire state of Nevada except for Clark County, which retained the 702 area code.
Dialing Pattern: The standard dialing pattern for local calls within the same area code (NPA) in the 775 region is seven digits. This is consistent with many other area codes in the United States, where local calls often require only a seven-digit number.
Time Zone: Area code 775 is located in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone. It observes Daylight Saving Time, meaning the clocks are adjusted forward by one hour during the warmer months of the year to extend evening daylight, and then back again in the autumn.
In summary, area code 775 is a critical component of Nevada's telecommunication infrastructure, covering a large and diverse geographical area. Its implementation reflects the growing telecommunication needs in Nevada, excluding Clark County. The area code's alignment with the Pacific Time Zone and adherence to Daylight Saving Time are also key operational aspects.