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Local Area Network (LAN)

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus, or office building.

This networking infrastructure is designed for small geographical areas and is typically privately owned. 

  • Connectivity and Communication: LANs enable the connected devices to communicate with each other, share resources, and exchange data. Commonly connected devices include computers, printers, and servers.

  • Network Size: LANs are usually confined to a single building or a group of closely situated buildings. The size can range from a few devices in a home or small office to several hundred devices in a corporate setting.

  • Network Speed and Reliability: Due to their limited scope and the use of high-quality networking hardware, LANs often offer high data transfer rates and are generally more reliable than wider networks.

  • Networking Technologies: Common technologies used in LANs include Ethernet (wired) and Wi-Fi (wireless). Ethernet LANs are connected using cables and switches, while Wi-Fi LANs use wireless routers and wireless network adapters.

  • Local Data Management: LANs are used for local data management, such as sharing files and resources (like printers and scanners) among multiple users in a controlled environment.

LANs form the backbone of most internal business and educational networks, providing a fast and efficient means of communication and resource sharing within a limited geographic area.

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