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Average Handle Time (AHT)

Average Handle Time (AHT) is a metric commonly used in call centers and customer service operations to measure the average duration of a single transaction.

This includes the time from the initiation of a call (or contact) to its conclusion, including any related hold time, talk time, and the time spent on related tasks after the call. 

  • Calculation of AHT: AHT is typically calculated by adding the total talk time, total hold time, and after-call work time, then dividing that sum by the number of calls handled.

  • Importance in Customer Service: AHT is an important metric for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of call center operations. It helps in understanding how quickly and efficiently agents are able to resolve customer issues.

  • Impact on Customer Experience: While a lower AHT can indicate efficient service, it's crucial not to sacrifice customer satisfaction for speed. Balancing efficiency with quality service is important for maintaining a positive customer experience.

  • Use in Performance Measurement: Call centers often use AHT as a key performance indicator for their agents. It can be a factor in evaluating agent performance and identifying areas for training and improvement.

  • After-Call Work (ACW): ACW, which is part of the AHT calculation, refers to the work an agent completes after a call has ended, such as updating records, sending emails, or initiating follow-up tasks.

Understanding and managing AHT effectively is crucial for optimizing call center performance, ensuring that customer inquiries are handled efficiently while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

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